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6 x Glass Magnets 3.5 x 3.5 cm each
Like fallen foliage, these fascinating creatures are true "coat of many colours". Chameleons have a fascinating life span and dwell in the world's most fascinating places. Glass Magnets Tropical ChamelonS/6 has great colours that bring this intriguing animal to life. This piece has a tropical vibe, full of trendy tones like neo mint, lilac, blooming pink, rose gold, and deep honey.
Glass Magnets Tropical ChamelonS/6 has neodymium disc magnet fastened to its back. Turns out, the are made by skilled artisans to stick well on magnetic surfaces. This collection of glass magnets comes in a set of 6 novelty pieces. The bright contrasting colours of this glass magnet transforms one's interior, earning it the hottest interior look. Peg down grocery list and notes on the fridge in the most exciting way. These magnets come packaged in a durable package, makes a great gift for friends or family. Clients seeking for unique items for the holidays can utilize these glass magnets are stocking stuffers.